The Florence Pioneer Museum and Research Center located at 100 E. Front St. in Florence, Colorado will be reopening this week. The museum has submitted a safety protocol plan to the Fremont County Department of Public Health and Environment that has been approved. The museum will provide hand sanitizer for the patrons coming in and leaving the museum. Signage will be placed around the displays reminding patrons to practice the social distancing of 6 feet. Signing in the guest book will be handled by the volunteer at the desk. Because our museum has many artifacts not in a display case, we ask that patrons have on gloves if they want touch or pick up an item for a closer look.
FPM regrets to tell the Fremont community that the scheduled Historic Home Tour on Mother’s Day weekend has been cancelled. The next fundraiser for the museum will be in July with “A Night at the Museum”. “Bricks for Bucks” and joining the “Century Club” for the year 2020 are still open for donations. See our website for more information.
The museum hours are Tuesday-Friday: 1:00-4:00, Saturday: 10:00-4:00, and closed on Sunday and Monday. The museum can be open by appointment on the days we are closed. See our website for information: www.florencepioneermusuem.org.