At the break of dawn, a group of dedicated volunteers starts the day by unloading 50,000 lbs. of food from a large semi trailer. It’s Mobile Market Outreach Day, a My Neighbor’s Cupboard food distribution event that happens on the first and third Saturdays of every month at various locations. Last weekend the location was the Penrose Elementary School – other locations have included Westcliffe and Rock Creek, with additional locations in the works.
Crates, boxes, and bins of food – produce, meat, dairy, eggs, bread, baked goods, juice, pet food, and much more – are methodically lined up along the curb by the caped volunteers (this week’s theme was “superheroes”). After a pep talk and a prayer, the enthusiastic volunteers hit their stations and the food distribution is underway. Vehicles that had started queuing up long before the 10:00am starting time begin making their way through the line while food items are piled high into trunks, back seats, and truck beds by the volunteers.
On this particular day, 1,249 people were fed in just 4 hours – 299 seniors, 509 adults, and 441 children.
Be sure to “Like” the My Neighbor’s Cupboard Facebook page to find out when and where future distributions will be held. In addition to the Mobile Market Outreach, the organization runs a grocery-store-style food pantry at 409 Broadway in Penrose. These services are available to anyone who needs assistance.
Whether at the pantry or at the Mobile Market Outreach events, the food is always free, but donations are gladly accepted. The organization is operated solely through individual contributions and the onging monetary support of fellow neighbors. Click HERE to find out how you can help this amazing organization. They’re always looking for additional volunteers as well!